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Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information

Fremont Elementary Daily Schedule:

Main Office Opens 7:30 am
Buses Release Students at... 8:05 am
Student Drop-Off 8:05 - 8:15 am
Breakfast Available to Students 8:05 - 8:15 am
School Starts/Students Tardy After... 8:15 am
Student Dismissal/Pick-Up 2:30 pm
Office Closes 3:30 pm

Drop-Off/Pickup Routine/Expectations:

Please turn into the parking lot and pull up to the entrance by the Community Cafe.  In the morning, staff members will coordinate when students may be released from their cars.  For the safety of students and staff, please follow these directions.  In the afternoon, students will be released from the Community Cafe.

If you need to pick up your child during the school day or at dismissal time a written note should be sent with your child.  If an emergency arises throughout the day please make every effort to contact the office prior to 1:30 p.m.  To pick up or drop off your child between the hours of 8:15 - 2:00 pm, please pull up to the main entrance and use the intercom to connect with our main office staff.