ESM Athletics Community for Good Sports
The school, coaches, parents and community working cooperatively to provide for the successful education of the athlete and agree to abide by the following:
The Coach agrees:
- To promote good sportsmanship, by setting a positive example while coaching your athletes.
- To respect the integrity and judgment of the sports officials.
- To approach competition as a healthy and constructive exercise, not as a life and death struggle that requires victory at any price.
- To recognize that the participants in individual or team sports are young men and women with human frailties and limitations, who are capable of making mistakes.
- To not use inappropriate language with players, opponents, officials or spectators.
- To instruct the players in the elements of good sportsmanship and remove players from competition who demonstrate unsportsmanlike behavior.
- To avoid behavior that will incite players, opponents or spectators.
- To avoid and eliminate negative comments to radio, TV and newspaper reports.
The Parent/Guardian agrees:
- To have their child to at all practices and contests on time and prepared.
- To treat everyone in a respectful manner.
- To direct all energies to encouraging your team.
- To avoid actions, which offend visiting teams, individual ESM players or coaches.
- To show appreciation of play by both teams by learning the rules of the game.
- To accept the judgment of coaches and officials (remember the 24 hour rule).
- To let the coaches coach. Do not attempt to coach athletes during contests.
- To encourage other spectators to participate in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
- To be positive at games or kindly remove yourself—its about the athletes!
- To make sure your child is picked up after practices and events on time.
The Student agrees:
- To demonstrate self control and respect for others (including Administration, teachers, school coaches, officials, spectators or other athletes) at all times.
- To remember that participation in athletics is a privilege that is not to be abused by unsportsmanlike conduct.
- To deal with opponents with respect. Shake hands after the competition and congratulate them on their performance.
- To respect the integrity and judgment of the officials.
- To remember that improper behavior while in uniform reflects poorly upon yourself, team, school and your community.
- To understand and abide by the school rules/regulations of the game, coaches rules and ESM Athletic Code of Conduct.
- To accept victory with grace and defeat with dignity.