Parent Guidance for Marking Period 4
ESM Parent and Guardian K-12 Marking Period 4Continuity of Learning Guidance
Dear ESM Families,
We hope this finds you and your family healthy and well as we go through these challenging and unprecedented times together. We want to thank you for your ongoing support in our new learning environment. It is our hope that this document provides some guidance related to our Marking Period 4 Continuity of Learning Plan and our ongoing distance learning model currently in place due to the COVID-19 emergency.
As a reminder, we have a wealth of parent resources and tips during our state of emergency available on our ESM webpage as well.
Marking Period 4
The fourth marking period began on April 6. This marking period will include continued distance learning opportunities with new content of prioritized essential learning standards. This may be in the form of online learning programs, interactive lessons and the use of video conferencing platforms. It is important that your child(ren) fully engage with virtual learning in order to minimize gaps in education.
The Family/School Collaboration
As parents and caregivers, we know that distance learning can pose challenges. Here are some recommendations to help keep your child focused:
- Talk to your child(ren) about their assigned work every day.
- Reserve a space for your child(ren) to complete remote learning work.
- Encourage your child(ren) to get enough sleep.
- Set sensible time limits for technology use.
- Help your child(ren) establish and follow regular daily routines.
- Support your child(ren) to allow for as much independence as possible.
During this distance learning period, the focus is on all aspects of education and wellness, and to create a balance for your child(ren). Please be certain that it is NOT our intention to overwhelm your child. Our teachers are still learning in this environment when it comes to developing learning activities to be done at home. If you feel your child is being asked to do too little or too much, please contact the appropriate teacher. If your concern is not resolved, please follow up with your child(ren)’s building principal.
Please have your child(ren) focus on “must-do” assignments for each subject, which are related to essential and prioritized standards. These should be clearly identified by the teacher. Students may also find “can do” assignments/activities that are supplemental and are not required. If it is not clear what those “must-do” assignments are, please ask your child’s teacher.
You should expect that your child is asked to complete the following suggested/approximate daily minutes of instruction. Please give your child(ren) permission to work flexibly at times that are best suited for your family.
K-5 Core areas (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies)
- Kindergarten: 30-90 minutes/day of “Must-Dos”
- Grades 1-2: 45-90 minutes/day of “Must-Dos”
- Grades 3-5: 60-120 minutes/day of “Must-Dos”
- Check any special area Google Classrooms
- Students who are currently studying a band instrument are encouraged to practice/play their instrument weekly.
- Regular physical activity, exercise and/or recreation is encouraged.
- 15-30 minutes per day, per class (total of 90-180 minutes per day)
- 20-45 minutes per day, per class (total 120-270 minutes per day)
- 30-60 minutes per day, per class for College and AP classes
The aim, emphasis and focus for schoolwork assigned, reviewed, and completed during this remote phase is on learning prioritized standards. We continue to measure your child’s growth and progress based on the essential learning standards that drive our curriculum and instruction. While we continue to learn in a distance format, teachers will continue to provide feedback to students regarding their work and demonstration of learning. Students may be asked to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways that will obviously look different from how they were assessed IN school. If your child needs more time to complete tasks and learn essential concepts, please let the teacher know.
Technology Use & Support
Most of your child’s learning will occur within the Google Classroom Platform and will include assignments and other digital content. If you have any issues with district-related technology, please contact Tech support for parents/students at 315-434-3024 or by email to
We are so appreciative of your support and patience as we navigate through this unprecedented time. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher, principal or other support staff if you have any questions or concerns during this time. We are all here for each other!